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Crazy Pengwin • 1 year ago

En efecto mi estimado JAJAJA

NSRaven263 • 1 year ago

It is also to use the third one. Try this one🤩:

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Get your bot azz out of here bot.

Ekozini • 1 year ago

*I will read it now, thanks

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

I will report you now bot, no thx is necessary

ThatMan666 • 1 year ago

Poor Yudias got dealt with the Woshu Woshu no Mi (Wash-Wash Fruit).

Shmarfle • 1 year ago

Lmao a One Piece reference here of all places haha

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

the question is..is it really yuudias?

Hoshimiya Eiji • 1 year ago

Romin's VA (assuming that is her) really went for a different voice there. NGL I kinda liked it. As for the rest of the episode It is fine but I am not a fan of the fact that they made Goha Yuuna WAY too much of a fan girl for Rovian that It hurts her character especially considering She JUST established herself with a good win.

Now I assume Rovian will get a BIG win against both Yuuhi and Yuamu at the same time to establish herself next. Lets see what will be her character, even though I have absolutely no hope for an actually good villain to be made in these kid show they should at least make better ones

Nero32 • 1 year ago

Yes, it's Romin's VA.

Shmarfle • 1 year ago

Rovian having an electric acoustic guitar is certainly something. Yuuna is simping way too hard though omg. Hopefully they give a better reason than her simply being a fangirl (tho my expectations are low).

loyal serena • 1 year ago

yugioh has literally been for kids for the longest lmao

Axel Vargas • 1 year ago

I don't think Goha Yuuna was supposed to be taken that much seriously in the first place. I mean, she was throwing tantrums during her duel, so she's clearly not a very serious character

Hoshimiya Eiji • 1 year ago

From recent years just take Spectre as an example. Is He a revolver simp ? ABSOLUTELY. Can you take him seriously as a CHARACTER (or at least were able tobefore they kinda shafted him) ? YES

I am not saying that She needs to be a serious character or She can't be a Rovian simp but her fan girlyness is too exagrated that It straight ups destroys and ''threat'' feeling She could have had for her after her big win against Yudias

Axel Vargas • 1 year ago

I get your point and it is indeed a way she could be both a simp and a threat, but what I was saying is that the fact that she throws tantrums during duels was most likely a way to let us know she's not a serious character, and it's not like you can't be a joke character and still be a threatening duelist, though I agree that a "serious" threat is more interesting that a joke character who happens to be strong (but oh well, this is not that kind of show anymore)

SynCloud • 1 year ago

Yeah I don’t have much hope for good villains either. It’s just my expectations are so low

Hade ni Ikuze • 1 year ago

So that explains how London knew so much. His sister (?) is the leader of the underground bandits. I still wonder what his intentions were though, sending UTS to find Yuuna.

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

mostly likely yuudias duel disk

Tripple-A • 1 year ago

Didn't expect Yuuna to be such an annoying fangirl, I thought they would have a more meaningful connection.

Hoshimiya Eiji • 1 year ago

Never expect too much from these shows. I have learned this LONG long ago

kyoshiromibu • 1 year ago

well goha Yuka was actually a fan of Romin Chan

Proum Kroum • 1 year ago

This is not Arc-v or 5D's.

This is Go Rush, c'mon, you are telling me you didn't see this coming?

Guus van Voorst • 1 year ago

All the better to take her down a peg... :-P

Gilad Ohayon • 1 year ago

Goha Yuuna is probably a descendant of Yuka because her relationship with Rovian is similar to Yuka's relationship with Romin.

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

goha yuuna is more like atachi mimi specially on her fangirling mode

xdeltabitezx • 1 year ago

True, and this would rule out my theory that Romin is the grandmother or mother of the twins... unless Roa is the father or great-great-grandfather of both Kirishima, making Londo and Rovian brothers, or first cousins (Thats why London is occult) .

Of course, comparing Romin's guitar with Rovian's, they are different: the first is an Dueldisc-electric-guitar, and the second is a Dueldisc-guitar. So, this isn't one of the "artifacts" left behind by Ohdo Yuga... is it? Wasn't Yuga the inventor of DuelDisc-guitars? Could it be an artifact left to his descendants? Would Rovian be the lost older sister of the twins? Could it have something to do with Goha Yuna's obsession with Yudias' duel disk? How does Yuna meet Yuga?

I'm confused. Well, I guess we'll be clearer when London reveals his connection in 1 or 2 episodes...or if he ever decides to pay the twins for the job.

Nero32 • 1 year ago

You both are so wrong, lol.
Yuna isn't a a descendant of Yuka, or Romin is the grandmother or mother of the twins... Because, it's a AU, and we already had enough red flags about that.

Hoshimiya Eiji • 1 year ago

It is honestly pathetic that people in the comment section are still like ''I bet Yuuna is Yuka's descendant'' or the likes LOL. Still trapped in the already disproven illusion that the Old characters in this show is the sevens ones

asdf • 1 year ago

now i want a full song of the sky´s

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

forsome reason there sky sky tune is quite hypnotic and addictive

MR STOLEN Donghua • 1 year ago

I almost thought it was star trek anime saw the Enterprise behind them/ THE POSTER Lol

Jay Zieg • 6 months ago

and now we learn that Yudias actually died geez

Albedio • 1 year ago

a goha going fangirl over a musician?how the goha has fallen?so...is rovian related to london seeing their surname,and ultimately,romin??!
at this point it seems skyfish has become nothing but a punching bag...from all knowing informant to such a sorry state.
still dont get why they cant just ask the velgear spaceship to revert to full size,all of them get inside,then have it shrink back to mini size n then infiltrate the castle.also,why must one of the jersey brothers go be the scapegoat to show what they do to non macho intruders?
wonder why yuamu didnt tell atachi of the developments of the investigation.could it be london contracted them for the search himself n totally unknown to atachi?

Book Addict • 1 year ago

é pq eles são inocentes e não são maldosos

lvdaXD • 1 year ago

wait why??? he needs to be treated ryt??

Aternus • 1 year ago

Dapat Haki

DaforLynx • 1 year ago

her real dad

GoatHead32 • 1 year ago

Whoa really? Thats really a great news 😩😭

PandaWolfLover • 1 year ago

Essas formas base zoan dinossauro só serve pra apanhar

Shadowwolf2026 • 1 year ago

okay I am now convinced this must be an alternate universe:
A. Certain characters don't react to other characters (like that one girl from who rides the fork lift thingy and the old guy who calls the two president [sorry too many characters to remember])
B. No one knows about the 7 duel disk or Sevens Road Magician especially those who witness Yuga using it.
C. Yuga who gave yudrias the duel disk looks much younger and could have travled to the alternate dimension.
D. Yuhi looks like Luke if you think about it. Like a fusion of both Luke and Yuga.
But that's just me, lmk what you guys think

Deus_Ex_Loli • 1 year ago

Aaalright, it's getting exciting!

Fayt Leingod • 1 year ago

rovian is waifu u didnt expect romin-chan counter part but with a mix of roa

knightwolf09 • 1 year ago

Same last name as Roa and Roman huh? Even having a guitar disk as well

asdf • 1 year ago

also i hope they use a lot double duel

Aji Tae • 1 year ago

Mirai no va a cambiar, a menos que el anime modifique la historia del manga, que lo dudo mucho.

Thorium • 1 year ago

They weren't mindless tho? They clearly all had personalities and they cared for him. If anything he should consider them closer to him then anyone he knew on earth.

Supreme KING • 1 year ago

Its gonna be interesting seeing the siblings tag duel.

Endrit • 1 year ago

I just came here to ask: Is there anyone that actually watches this pure shit?

loyal serena • 1 year ago

i mean yeah, its literally popular in japan so yes people actually watch it

Monokuma • 1 year ago

Multiple vs 1 duels are always such a scam as the 1 person gets their pieces way faster. Can't wait to see the shenanigans in this format lol.